Ill Manors- Promoting effectively and imaginatively
Ill Manors is an urban drama released in 2012, directed by Ben Drew also known as Plan B. Ben Drew uses numerous techniques to engage and maintain his audience. One way is through the E-Media platform. The Tedx lecture is a unique and imaginative way of engaging then maintaining their audience. The Tedx lecture was done by the director himself (Ben Drew) and was posted on YouTube to promote the film which is an E-Media technique to promoting Ill Manors. This is an imaginative and effective technique because it is able to grasp and aim the movie to a more sophisticated and higher class audience, outside the core audience. This is shown by the people that Plan B was directing the lecture at, which were mostly white middle aged, middle class people. This is effective because it ties into the audiences needs and applies it to that middle class audience which engages them. The sophisticated scene of the lecture allows the movie reach a different audience.Another way that Ben Drew manages to engage and maintain the audience in an imaginative way through their platform use of broadcast. Ben Drew has an interview on the Jonathan Ross Show this was an imaginative way of engaging and audience. The Jonathan Ross show attracts the affluent audience because of the people that are brought on to the show every episode but also the channel which is ITV 4 attracts the mainstream audience that watch free view TV. This is an interesting way to promote the movie because the interview is based around the movie and Ben Drew allows it to appeal to a different audience by adjusting every time he appears on different media platforms.
Skyfall- Promoting effectively and imaginatively
Skyfall is an action thriller released in 2012, directed by Sam Mendes. One platform promotion method that seemed to work well was E-Media. Skyfall managed to promote their movie through E-media in a very effective way including celebrity promotion. Adele who is the soundtrack artist for the movie promoted the movie through social media. Adele tweeted her soundtrack on her twitter which gained a mass of attention and 'retweets' this allowed it to spread across the social media platform. This was an imaginative and effective way of promotion because it allowed Skyfall to be advertised to her fans which may show interest to the movie through her.
Another way in which Skyfall is promoted in an imaginative way is through the print platform. Skyfall is advertised by its film poster which is very unique. The central image is of Daniel Craig acting as James Bond lying across the floor with a gun which instantly gives the audience excitement and tempts them to watch it because of the great photography which promotes the movie. Also there is a review of the movie by several different magazines rating the movie 4/5 which gives the audience a sense of assurance that this movie is worth watching which is again a promotion method that the Skyfall team have worked hard to think about.