Thursday, 5 February 2015

Ill Manors TEDx Lecture

Ill Manors TEDx Lecture 

1) Make notes on the lecture: focus on Plan B/Ben Drew's views on the opportunities for young people in London and how these inspired Ill Manors.

Plan B/Ben Drew speaks about the youths lack of opportunities in society today. Ben Drew believes that the youth are unfortunate because society has deserted them from the rest and hasn't allowed them to be part of society and hasn't given them enough opportunities to be equal to others in society. Plan B's main purpose of creating the movie Ill Manors is to get in touch and involved with the youth as well as inform society. We know this because Ben drew says in his lecture he wanted to 'represent these character in a real way' and he couldn't have 'a 14 year old boy who isn't from this world to portray this world' what he meant by this was that the children with opportunities couldn't play those parts because it wouldn't seem real. Also, by attracting the right characters this also has helped them to become more involved with their dreams as 'disadvantaged youth'. Ben Drew shares an anecdote from the creation of Ill Manors when one of the boys who auditioned didn't get the part he motivated him to carry on and it paid off because he became the main character in the British TV series Top Boy. Ben Drew also believes that when the youth are given opportunities it is always ripped away. He speaks about the community centres that have been closed down which have helped youth stay away from trouble and gave them something to do. This summarises Ben Drew's point of the disadvantaged youth that have been damaged because of society.

2) What are Plan B's beliefs/politics? What are his values/ideologies? Explain your answers.

Ben Drew's view of politics is very negative I know this because he mentions this in his soundtrack for the Ill Manors movie. Plan B as an artist speaks about David Cameron's 'Hug A Hoodie' campaign that was put in place to empathise with the youth instead of separating them from society. However, Ben Drew believes that the whole campaign was an 'act' and was only done so that he can gain votes and supporters from the wider market who are unaware that he only does it for his benefit as a politician. He also believes that the government do not support the youth because he mentions 'council estate kid scum of the earth' which was a newspaper headline this creates a major stereotype that council estate children are 'scum's' or are criminals of a somewhat 'perfect society'.

3) Who is the target audience of the TEDx lecture? Demographics? Psychographics? How do you know? How does this compare to the audience for his music/films?

The target audience surprisingly are the older generation or the politicians themselves. I know this because of the audience from the TEDx lecture were mostly older adults. I think Ben Drew has purposely planned to aim this at those because they are the people that seem to 'demonise' the youth. Also, he believes that they are the people that have the power to change the youths' lives by making a change in areas where there are the most disadvantaged. I know this because Ben Drew also speaks about the fact that 'every person watching the lecture knows one person who is less fortunate than them that they can help'. The Target audience for the actual movie is different because it is made more to entertain the audience rather than inform. Whereas, the whole concept of the film is to inform and that is why the lecture shows a different audience because it is aimed at adults with power and able to make change for the youth today. The lecture may be aimed at the resigned because one of the characteristics is 'authoritarian' this means they claim power and authority which means they will be able to help Ben Drew in making a change because they dominant and demand charge. 

4) What does Plan B say about the media? Explain how this can be linked to Cohen's media theory of moral panics? Read this summary of moral panics and the definition from Wikipedia and use them in your answer.

Plan B talks about the media as if they are evil. He also says that the media 'demonises' the youth and portrays them to be devilish and criminals. Plan B shares an anecdote from the creation of Ill Manors. In the story what had happened was that the crew were filming and they were told to leave by the gangsters that were in charge of the road. However another group of boys said no they aren't leaving and told them to 'do their thing'. This was a very moving story because it meant that the youth in today look out for one another because they are united. However the media which was the newspapers they managed to twist the story because they left out the part in which the youth helped the crew film their project. Ben Drew showed real emotion and feeling towards this because he was very disappointed in the fact that the newspapers didn't include to what he described the' best part of the story'. Overall, Ben Drew feels the media is very quick to judge and bring hate towards the youth but aren't able to deliver credit when it is due in this case the helping of the youth to allow Ill Manors to continue.

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