The film poster brings across a brief idea of what this movie is about. The fact that the front cover is full of lights and weaponry this may indicate that the plot has something to do with a futuristic world. this may involve robots that want to take over the world and the main characters mission is to try and stop this; with only a limited time in his hands.
. I knew this instantly when looking at the film poster because of all its features and imagery techniques that it brings across to the viewer. The sky view of the city and buildings may also suggest that this may be an action movie because of its location and settings.
. I thought that this would be a reasonable and suitable age group because of the violence and other content that is shown on this film poster. The weaponry on this image suggests that this is a violent up-beat movie. Also, there is a lady on the right of the poster holding a cigarette which may bring an idea that this movie contains adult content and isn't suitable of children aged under 18.
The image of the girl on the right with a shirt that says " I love dead people" suggests to the target audience that this movie is full of hilarious scenes because even though this may come across as creepy but also some people may find this absurd behaviour funny.
I think the
target audience for this movie is 15-40 this is because of its content and the type of comedy it contains. The fact that this comedy is clumsy comedy this may not certainly appeal to the older age group because that type of humour may not interest adults above the age of 40.
Uzak (Distant) -
From the film poster of Uzak 2002 I can tell that this movie may be adventurous because of the setting and location of the cover image of a lake and a view which may suggest to us that the supposedly the main character on the front image is on a mission of some sort to find another character or a secretive object that may be precious. The image of this character alone in the frame may suggest to the audience that this character is lonely and tries to find a companion or a partner.
I think that this a adventurous drama genre strictly from just looking at the film poster because of this characters stance this may tell the audience that this character has lost someone and is on the move to try and find out information about this event.
I think the target audience for this film is between the ages of 15-45 because of the content that this film poster suggest to the audience. I think this because it seems that it is more of and adventurous and quest like movie instead of a violent action film. I know this because of the frame on the cover image which suggest that this character is a peaceful or soft spoken character because of his posture and his locations around him. The fact that this character is staring into the setting may tell us that something tragic or deep and meaningful happened to him because people usually reminisce or think about things when looking into such a view.
I'm Not Scared-
From the cover image on this film poster I can see that this movie may be about a little boy that loves to discover things and be out in the open. I can see this from the image of the hole and the boy looking down into it. This may also suggest an idea of something being stuck or something that the boy wishes to reach. The structure of the image as the boy is looking down into the whole may suggest that the boy is in power. I can infer this because the boy is on top and is looking down which suggests an idea of superiority.
I can make an educated guess that the genre of this movie is a drama thriller. I know this because of the shot on the poster which tells the audience that this a drama instantly because the boy looks intrigued by the whole as if there's something valuable in there that he wants to get to.
I think that the target audience is between the ages of 13-25. I think this because the content may be a bit too sophisticated and too up-beat for a target audience of a child under 13 because this may just bore them. Also, I think that the target audience that this movie is directed to is about up to 25 years of age I think this because from the poster this tells us that this may be too childish and quest like for an adult over 25 to enjoy.
Sin City (2005) -
The cover image of this movie poster immediately tells us that this movie is an action, crime drama movie because of the props like the weaponry on the front cover. The use of the rain on the front cover may suggest the idea of pathetic fallacy because the weather may reflect on their moods of depressed behaviour. This film poster also tells us that this movie is probably about a mission that this 'crew' or character have to complete to gain something for their benefit I.e. money.
The print/copy of this movie poster "Sin City" which is the title instantaneously tells the audience that this movie involves sin and bad behaviour of some sort. For example, violence or drugs. Also the Title is in big bold red which may suggest the idea of blood and murder (red). The fact that this movie contains this content tells us that the target audience should be at an age of 18-45. I chose this target audience because I can see by the weaponry pointing into the camera and the dull dark coloured cover that this will not be suitable for people under the age of 18.
Pirates Of The Caribbean-
Once again I can immediately tell that this film is an action, adventure fantasy because of the cover image. The faded ship on the cover image tells us that this is an adventure movie involving travel or a quest. The faded cover image conveys and idea of mystery and sly behaviour that these characters may get up to.
Surprisingly, this movie is a '12A' this is unusual because this movie definitely promotes violence and the use of weaponry on the cover image and the movie may portray to the audience that its okay to use weapons. The main character jack sparrow is carrying a pistol in the image which may influence children of ages 12 to get involved with violent or abusive behaviour.
I think the target audience would range between the ages 12-30 because of the genre of fantasy and the plot of this movie which I don't think will be suitable for people over the ages of 30 although some over 30 may enjoy this.

I think this movie is classic
Rom-com because of the cover image of the two main characters which bring across an idea of a love interest. I can also see that this is a comedy movie because of the man's posture and grin on his face that there's something to laugh or be happy about. The quote at the top of the film poster says "funny and so sexy" this also instantly tells us the genre of this movie .
I think the
target audience for this movie between the ages of 12-35. I think this because the romance and content may appeal to an audience of 35 year olds or maybe even older. On the other hand, the comedy and the classic love story could also appeal to those of a younger age.
This movie may be about a love interest that is about to begin between these two characters on the cover image. The cover image also portrays the idea of traditional weddings from different cultures. The two characters may be stuck in a classical relationship where the parents do not approve of the marriage or there is some sort of problem and this only attracts the couple. The may have to figure out a way to be together or make their parents approve of this relationship or going further a marriage.
Million Dollar Baby-
What instantly springs to mind from the title and the cover image of this movie is that it involves a kidnapping of a child or something valuable or precious. I know this because of the tile which says 'million dollar' which immediately tells us that there is something extremely valuable that is lost or needed to be found. I can assume or figure out that this baby may belong to the woman who could be the main character on the cover image.
I think that the genre of this movie is an
action drama because of the cover image which suggest this woman is in power to gain something whether that be a baby or something else that seems precious.
I think that the
target audience of this movie will be 15-40 because of the content this movie will contain of violence and action. This is a suitable age range because of the genre which could include killing or abuse and the younger generation may not be mature enough to take this on or understand the plot of this film.